‘The Beauty of Food Redistribution’ exhibition
City Harvest Value Reports brought to life through art
The Beauty of Food Redistribution
Curated by Fiona Hollis, City Harvest Head of Communications
“This exhibition brings to life our impact data, showing the beauty of what we do, collaborating with artists on each annual value report. Each report explores the Value of Food Redistribution to Food, People & Planet.”
City Harvest rescues food from being wasted and delivers to those in need, breaking the waste cycle & feeding new cycles of improved health & a better tomorrow.”
‘The Beauty of Food Redistribution’ is a roaming exhibition providing a unique way to interact with the impact of our charity’s work using AR Augmented Reality & AI.’
Oscar J Ryan’s photography for the People Report brings our missions to life, communities working to raise one another up. Yanis Georges and Nacoca Ko use technology to mezmerize the viewer with the granular beauty of City Harvest’s impact.
The 2024 Food report artwork was launched at The Lighthouse, Pixel Artworks, with an immersive exhibition featuring Planet Report Artwork from Nacoca Ko.
2023 Food Report Art & 2024 Planet Report Art currently at: OXO Brasserie
October 2024: The Food Report installation.
Artist: Yanis Georges, following on from 2023, Yanis immerses the viwers in the beauty of City Harvest’s impact, showing the scale of the issue, the beauty of the solution and the work yet to do. The Yellow balls represent the food delivered, the pink and purple the people fed and volunteering to help others and the green is City Hravest logistics and operations.
The dance – the collaboration between all groups creates the pulsing beauty that surrounds the viewer. “It really is overwhelming to stand in the room and feel what is happening.” Nacoca Ko.
March 2024: The Planet Report installation.
Artwork by Nacoca.Ko using AI / AR animation Nacoca Ko visualised the concept of a third of the planet’s food being wasted & our vision of having transparent waste reporting & zero food waste.
Nacoca Ko’s series of 6 stunning images depicts ‘The Beauty of Food Redistribution’. The circularity of life is robust, and these images convey the very purpose of growing and nurturing food, people, and our planet: to thrive. Life is at its most beautiful when it thrives.
The prints come to life using augmented reality when viewed throguh your phone or tablet, showng the beautiful circularity of our impact.
October 2023: The Food Report installation.
Artist: Yanis Georges, using AI, AR and 3D particle animation to bring to life the data sets used in the City Harvest report & show the beautiful ripple effect of our charity’s social impact & SROI.
The 3D animation uses data sets, the prints use AR and the 2024 Food Report artwork creates an immersive experience feeling the full wonder of what is possible.
Award winning campaign – Best use of AI in a content campaign 2024
Kindly supported by www.atcomms.co.uk
July 2023: The People Report collection.
Photography by Oscar J Ryan, captures the beautiful connection between City Harvest and the school communities we feed.
A series of confronting life-size prints shot in a school playground, these prints convey the size of the issue and the scale of City Harvest’s solution. 1 in 4 children doesn’t eat because the cost of living and food has risen so much that people cannot afford to feed their families and pay bills, with malnutrition and rickets becoming an increasing problem in children.
From October 2024, this stunning image will be roaming the UK on the side of our 26t truck rescuing food from farms and distributors to feed people in need.
‘The Beauty of Food Redistribution’ a roaming exhibition by City Harvest