City Harvest relies on the dedication and generosity of all of our supporters, and we welcome all the different ways people might be able to use their skills to support our work.
Whether you could volunteer your time, get your company or community involved, make a regular donation or take on a challenge to fundraise for us, we would love to hear from you and support you in whatever you would like to do. Your help allows us to continue our vital work supporting the communities most in need in London.
If you believe that children have a right to thrive and not simply survive, and that nutrition is key to a healthy start in life, we would love you to share our message and be a role model to people who need support.
London Football Clubs
We love working with football clubs to roll out our 1 can in the community project on match days to connect the fans to their communities.
Contact us to help give hunger the boot –

B the Solution
City Harvest is a sustainable business tool for companies wanting to move towards the Better Business Act or B Corp status. We help companies reach B Corp status.
Find out more.

April – June
City Harvest has a huge multiplier effect that “EQUALS” so much to the thousands of people we feed each day. No matter what you have to give – it EQUALS a lot.
Find out more.

March - October
Harvest for Hunger
our annual outreach to UK farmers, growers and packhouses collecting surplus for free.
Get in touch.

Sept – October
City Harvest Festival
Giving thanks for the year’s harvest we love to partner with schools, faith groups and the community to raise awareness and funds to feed those less fortunate.
Find out more.
The Big Give
Donating through the Big Give campaign means your donation will be doubled as part of the UK’s biggest match-funding campaign.
Find out more.