Donate Now
Help feed hungry people today.
Your donation EQUALS food to hungry people
Monthly donations mean the world to us, they allow us to plan & offer reliable solutions for people in need.
To make your support regular, please select the monthly tab in the donation box.
Supporting specific work
City Harvest can link your gift to a particular area of our work, for efficiency reasons this is for gifts of a certain size. If you would be interested in discussing a larger gift or supporting a specific part of our operation please contact or call 020 7041 8491. Whether a personal gift, or through a trust or foundation, we are here to enable you to make a real difference to thousands of people facing hardship across London.
Make a Gift Aid Declaration
Complete this form in order to boost your donation to City Harvest by 25% at no extra cost to you!
By completing this form, you confirm you are a UK taxpayer and would like City Harvest to use this declaration to treat all personal donations made within the past four years, and all donations in future, as Gift Aid donations.
If you have made a donation via our DonorBox donation portal and clicked ‘Yes’ to Gift Aid, there is no need to complete this form!
Leave a Legacy
Leaving a gift to City Harvest in your Will only takes a few minutes, but the effect will last a lifetime. Your legacy will ensure that we can continue to build toward a brighter, healthier future for generations to come. You can leave either a fixed amount, a specific asset or a percentage of your estate to support the repurposing of surplus food to feed London’s hungry.
To leave a legacy to City Harvest in your Will, please include our full name, registered charity number, and address as follows:
City Harvest London
Unit 8, Acton Park Industrial Estate
London W3 7QE
Registered UK Charity No. 1163055
To find out more about leaving a legacy with City Harvest, please get in touch with