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Help us deliver 50,000 extra meals this Harvest Festival.

We’ll send you everything you need to organise your City Harvest Festival Food Drive.


What is Harvest Festival?

Harvest Festival was an initiative created by the CofE to reconnect people to where their food comes from. Celebrating the value of food, those who produce it and donating surplus produce to help those in need.  By joining the City Harvest Festival you can help London’s most vulnerable receive the food they need.  We are asking supporters to collect food or collect money, or collect food and money to help City Harvest’s work.

City Harvest Festival runs throughout October, for a day, a week, or the whole month if you prefer!  You can organise your own food and fundraising collections and just send us the proceeds, or click below for how we can work with you at your company, your school or your faith group to celebrate the true spirit of Harvest.

When is Harvest Festival?

This year (2024), Harvest Festival is on Sunday 6th of October & by organising a food drive you can help to make a real difference in the fight against hunger in London.

Simply get in touch with us

Harvest Festival FAQs

What is Harvest Festival?

Harvest Festival is a traditional event celebrating the crops and food grown on the land. It is the time of year that the crops are harvested and is traditionally celebrated on the Sunday nearest to the harvest moon. The harvest moon is the full Moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox, which is often towards the end of September. In the past the festival would be held as soon as the harvest had been completed. When the final cartload returns proudly to the farm. At this point a Harvest Supper, also known as the ‘Harvest Home’, would take place.

What connection does City Harvest have with Harvest Festival?

Harvest Festival is a significant time of year for City Harvest. As London’s first food redistribution charity we aim to address food waste and food poverty in the capital. City Harvest puts surplus food to good use in a sustainable way delivering over 1 million meals a month to over 350+ charities including; children’s programmes, food banks, homelessness projects, refuges for women fleeing domestic violence and families fleeing war-torn countries, and local groups across London welcoming the elderly and isolated. Local schools, churches, individuals and community groups make a particular effort to support us at this time.

What to give for Harvest Festival?

People traditionally collect food or donate money to us at this time to help us continue our mission, providing food to some of London’s most vulnerable people.

Harvest Festival Ideas for Schools and Churches

There are many ways that you can help. Some of the things that people have done in the past include:
  • Holding a Barn Dance or School Disco to raise money
  • Selling produce grown on allotments at local fetes and donating the proceeds
  • Collections held at Churches and Schools
  • Talks and assemblies about City Harvest
  • Thanksgiving Services
  • Fancy dress and non uniform days
  • Food related quiz and activities
  • Food and money collections
  • Extravagant community feasts
  • Cakes sales
If you would like to support us during the Harvest Festival then please let us know via the contact form on this page. We would love to hear about what you have planned and can support you if needed.

Can we collect food for City Harvest?

Yes! City Harvest collects food donations from schools and churches but not from individuals’ homes. We are only able to collect substantial amounts of certain foods, due to the cost of fuel and collection, so please contact us in advance about your collection and to arrange pick up. The types of food we can collect: Ambient Food (food that has long life such as tins, pasta, rice, cereal etc) Must be in date Must be unopened and in original packaging.

How can we give money?

Financial support can be made to us via the donation form on this page. Alternatively you can send us a cheque made payable to City Harvest. Financial support helps us to continue providing food throughout the year, enabling us to plan and provide a consistent level of service to the people that need us the most.

Can we support City Harvest in any other way?

We have volunteering opportunities for individuals and community groups at our warehouses in Acton and Spitalfields Market. You can read more about them by clicking the link.

How long does Harvest Festival last?

The festivities, historically, could last many days but would traditionally be concluded by St Michael’s Mass on the 29th September, the signifier for the end of harvest. The festivities would include extravagant meals, singing, dancing, drinking games, and much ale.

Is Harvest Festival a religious festival?

The festival derives from ancient times but has been adopted by many religious groups with a focus on food, gratitude, and charity – which is why schools across the UK hold events to help people in need.

Whilst not originally Christian, Harvest Festival is celebrated by many religious groups including Christians. Food collection festivals have been celebrated since ancient times. Whilst they are not part of the traditional church year, many churches now celebrate harvest in the autumn.

Historically for some the Harvest used to be celebrated on 1st August and was called Lammas, meaning ‘loaf Mass’. Farmers made loaves of bread and gave them to their local churches where they were used as the communion bread during a special thanksgiving service. In the Jewish religion, the Harvest Festival is called Sukkot or ‘Feast of Ingathering’ or ‘the ‘Feast of Tabernacles’. It is celebrated at the end of the year, after Rosh Hoshanah and is the third of the great Annual Festivals. You can find out more about City Harvest and our work here.