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City Harvest helps businesses on their B Corp journey

Case Study: Collectiv Food

Collectiv Food has been a certified B-Corp since November 2023 after a year of applying. There is one main area where the partnership with City Harvest helped the next-generation wholesaler to gain points in the application process under the Community section:
“There are two questions that our efforts together have played into the application. The first is around the percentage of revenue that you’re donating, and that’s something that we were able to easily calculate with the kind of reports that we get from City Harvest.”

“The second is around the volunteering hours that we do and we love doing with the City Harvest.”

What is a B Corp?

Certified B Corporations, or B Corps, are companies verified by B Lab to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. (Source:

Companies in the certification process are scored in 5 key impact areas, including governance, workers, customers, environment and community.

City Harvest helps businesses on their B-Corp journey by supporting with transparent ESG reporting through providing impact data related to food, money and time donated to City Harvest.

Find out more in City Harvest’s March 2024 Planet Report: Leveraging Sustainability Reporting for Better Business

City Harvest GHG Calculator

Surplus food rescued by City Harvest prevents greenhouse gas emissions from food waste.

City Harvest’s carbon calculator provides food donors with an accurate report of GHG emissions diverted from landfill. City Harvest separates their carbon calculations into ten categories of food, ensuring accurate calculations of how different redistributed food products (i.e., fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat) divert GHG emissions from landfills.

City Harvest Planet Report, March 2024

The Green Advantage: Read City Harvest’s latest Planet Report on how City Harvest helps companies strengthen their ESG reporting, helping move towards greener and better business models.

City Harvest Planet Report