In the bustling heart of Peckham, South London, stands a unique establishment that goes beyond the traditional supermarket model. Peckham Pantry is a social supermarket that has redefined the way communities come together to tackle food insecurity, and food waste. In...
Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023: Feed a London Child this Christmas Donate Now to Double Your Impact Supporting families with free food Battersea-based Primary School, St Mary’s opens its doors to parents every Tuesday for a weekly food bank to support...
Supporting local children with free food City Harvest community partner, the Feathers Association, is a Marylebone-based youth hub geared towards extracurricular enrichment, supporting children of all ages with homework help, free activities, and free food. Sharlene,...
Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023: Feed a London Child this Christmas Donate Now to Double Your Impact APPLE: Empowering young people through food and creative skills Currently, 700,000 children in London face food poverty. Many of these children live in households...
Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023: Feed a London Child this Christmas Donate Now to Double Your Impact Fighting Food Poverty: City Harvest Delivers 80,000 free meals to Carney’s Community Centre. In the heart of the United Kingdom, a staggering 1 in 4 households,...
School food banks are on the frontline fighting Holiday Hunger Low-income families are among the hardest hit by the cost of living crisis. The demand on school food banks spikes during the school holidays when families lose the support of free school meals. City...